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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The finer things in Life

When I think of the finer things in life, I associate them with things that money cannot buy, for example,
... a leisurely wake up in the morning
.... the sounds of birds chirping
... a drive with no traffic jams
... the taste of food 
... time spent with good friends
.. and good health.

Then again, having a little money does help one enjoy the finer things in life, too. For lunch, I had 
...... a McDonald's McValue meal (Fillet-o-fish .... as it is a Friday)
..... while eating french fries and sipping on coke
..... while watching a Malay movie on television
..... in the comfort of my own cosy living room 
.... in my cosy little terrace home.

It is one of the finer things in life as opposed to
.... sitting in a Chinese restaurant
.... waiting to gorge down a 10-course Chinese meal
.... amid loud noises of people chattering at the top of their voices
.... in an air-conditioned environment.

To each his own. I savoured every moment of it awhile ago and thank God for the experience.

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