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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just because ...

Just because …..

…. it rains today at 3p.m., it does not mean that it will carry on raining into the night.

Just because …..

… children have iPods for playing games, it does not mean that their parents are wealthy.

Just because …..

… students attend tuition classes, it does not mean that they will score As in their examination.

Just because …..

… a baby cries, it means that it is hungry.

Just because …..

… the dog barks, it means that there is someone at the door.

Just because …..

… we do not talk, it does not mean we do not care for each other.

Just because …..

…one has chosen to be single, it does not mean that they are lonely and alone.

Just because …..

… one is on holiday, it does not mean that one does not need to cook and wash.

Just because …..

… one is an animal lover, it does not mean that one will love children.

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