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Monday, May 2, 2011

Imagine the disparity!

Imagine blissfully going for a morning walk at 10a.m. or a jog at 12 noon in a tropical country!

Imagine living in a house with no grilled doors or windows!

Imagine having a bus service at your doorstep that will take you to any nook and corner of your town/city if you know which connecting bus to board!

Imagine no more! All these perks are enjoyed by those living in our neighbouring country.

Why is there this disparity?

These are also the things you would not have known about if you had gone to Singapore, either to explore it on your own or on a guided tour.

I vouch that when one goes on a visit to a foreign land, one should attempt to savour the life of the people there. The best way to do this is to immerse oneself in a home of the locals, to learn about their culture and lifestyles.

Sometimes, the best way to do this is to watch the Travel and Living Channel on Astro!

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