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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Of Goals and Plans

Do you regularly take stock of what you have done in the past and decide on whether you want to carry on doing the same thing or change the way certain things are done. A new year is normally the time for such resolutions to be made.

Have you made your resolutions for this year? There are many people I know who live from day to day without ever making any plans. They just live for the moment. However, I feel that we need to plan so that it will give us a general idea of what to look forward to.

If we do not plan, we may not be ready for certain events in life. I know of some people who not only plan their month’s, week’s and day’s activities, but also when the activity is over, they evaluate the activity and keep a record of their achievements.

It takes a lot of discipline to keep a record of all these events but it is a morale booster on days when things do not seem to be going right!

Let’s make our resolutions for a better more meaningful life for ourselves and let’s try not to break these resolutions.

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