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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Time flies!

'There is so much to be done and yet so little time to do it in,' many lament. The year is drawing to a close. Many look forward to it and yet many more will dread it because of unsettled matters and because of greater demands set since one will be getting older and more mature.

What will the New Year bring? A few will say that today is just the same as yesterday and so tomorrow should be the same as today. If there is no difference then the days will just pass by one after another.

One should set aside some time to evaluate one’s life – the events that have occurred in the past week, the past month, the past six months and even the past year. Highlight the extra special events and do not dwell on the demoralising episodes. Only then will one envisage how much one has grown, not only chronologically but also in terms of attitude and behavior.

If one is not aware of this growth in one’s life, then one would be merely existing from day to day. There is still time for change and we should all strife to make our world a better place without hurting others. Record all the achievements you have experiencd on a regular basis and you will be surprised to note that you have made a difference not only in your life but also in the lives of those around you.

Don’t let time fly by unnoticed! May you achieve great things in 2012!


Boarding the bus in Ipoh for intra-city travel is not such a horrendous experience as it was in the past, especially since new buses have been put on the roads to ply the popular routes.

It would however be great if the Majlis Bandaran Ipoh could erect more bus shelters at strategic locations within the city of Ipoh. Besides providing shelter from the elements, it would also serve as a landmark for the occasional bus-rider. He would know where to get on and off the bus. What would also be fantastic is if the companies could then advertise their route maps and follow a routine schedule in these shelters.

Undoubtedly, once all this falls into place, more people will opt for riding the bus rather than driving their cars.

Being connected, staying connected!

Many people come into our lives everyday. Being an only child with no immediate family, I have been forced to rely on relatives and friends now that my parents have gone to enjoy their reward in heaven. There are some people who have chosen to cut off ties with immediate family members and friends for one reason or another. The bottom-line is that we do need people around us so we should try to stay connected. In this age of modern day technology, there are so many ways to stay connected, so there is no excuse unless one chooses to be a recluse.

Just because ...

Just because …..

…. it rains today at 3p.m., it does not mean that it will carry on raining into the night.

Just because …..

… children have iPods for playing games, it does not mean that their parents are wealthy.

Just because …..

… students attend tuition classes, it does not mean that they will score As in their examination.

Just because …..

… a baby cries, it means that it is hungry.

Just because …..

… the dog barks, it means that there is someone at the door.

Just because …..

… we do not talk, it does not mean we do not care for each other.

Just because …..

…one has chosen to be single, it does not mean that they are lonely and alone.

Just because …..

… one is on holiday, it does not mean that one does not need to cook and wash.

Just because …..

… one is an animal lover, it does not mean that one will love children.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Food for thought!

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6; NKJV).

Time moves on!

It’s that time of the year when students will be preparing for their major examinations, while others will be looking forward to the long holidays. Teachers will be gearing their students for their examinations and also looking forward to taking a break from teaching. Syllabi will have to be covered, examination papers will have to be set and marked, evaluation reports will have to be done and accounts will have to be closed. But all too soon, the cycle will begin again when the new academic year starts in 2012. While people in temperate countries have seasons that tell them that time is moving on, parents have children, and teachers have the school calendar!

As you sow

Here's something interesting I came across recently and I would like to share it with everyone, especially teachers and tutors.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

If you plant honesty, you will reap trust.

If you plant goodness, you will reap friends.

If you plant humility, you will reap greatness.

If you plant consideration, you will reap harmony.

If you plant hard work, you will reap success.

If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation.