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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Laws and Values

Values are instilled into our lives from the time we are born by our parents and caregivers. Values come in the form of religious and cultural beliefs and traditions. To instill positive values into our lives, rules or laws have been formulated. Some say that laws have to be made because of a lack of values. To make sure that the rules are adhered to, there is enforcement.

Just recently, I heard of a case where an intruder molested a senior citizen as she was entering her house after visiting her neighbours. Why are our neighbourhoods so unsafe? We have grilled our doors and windows. We have even installed alarms and fixed locks for exits to the airwell. We dare not even walk in the park nor take up jogging as a form of exercise. We are too afraid of the consequences.

Across the border, however, windows of bungalows are left wide open. There are no grilles and no locks. People can be seen jogging and taking their dogs and children for a walk at a leisurely pace at any time of the day or night. Life seems so safe and secure.

Why is there this disparity between the two neighbouring countries? Have Malaysians lost their sense of values? Haven’t these values been successfully instilled into the lives of the residents of Malaysia? With the teaching of Pendidikan Moral (Moral Education) in schools, why is there still so much crime? Are the perpetrators not afraid of the punishment if they are caught? It is time that we try to find a solution to this problem. We should try to deal with the cause and not the symptoms.

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